Sunday, April 7, 2013

Why Do You Want To Lose Weight?

Hi All!

Part of your "homework" this week (chapter 4, page 33) is to list the advantages of losing weight for you.
What are some of your reasons to lose weight? These will have to end up being compelling reasons--something so compelling it makes you walk right by the Cinnabon store in the mall without even thinking of stopping!

One way to get to a "compelling" reason is to ask yourself why your initial reason is important to you: If you say, "for my health", ask yourself, 'Why is this important to me?'

Hopefully, you'll come up with an answer important enough to really motivate you to get out and exercise, or to pass on the rolls at dinner.

Some examples are: 
For my health: Why is this important? "I'm borderline diabetic and I don't want to have to take insulin".

I'll feel more confident: Why is this important? "I feel out of shape just walking up stairs and it's embarrassing when I'm with other people".

To feel good about myself: Why is this important? "I'm often embarrassed to go out in public or meet new people--I feel like they are looking at me and how overweight I am. I would love to feel proud and have people see what good shape I am in".

Make it something you can really picture. It might be something positive and rewarding, or it could be that you are avoiding something very unpleasant (one gentleman was tired of having to ask for a seatbelt extension when he traveled by plane). Some people like to picture themselves in a particular outfit or at an event.

Try to come up with 5 if you can.

Let the comments begin!


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