Learning something new doesn't come easy! When you feel like you'll never get into the routine of keeping a food diary, putting your fork down between bites, or passing the temptation of the cookie stores in the mall, try to remember other habits you've overcome in your life.
Maybe you quit smoking or stopped biting your nails. It was tough, but you've done it and now it's not a part of your life anymore!
Think of things you learned to do that seemed difficult at the time: Getting the hang of knitting or crocheting; learning to drive (how tough was that?!); playing tennis or some other activity that requires coordination. Things that are different for us do not come naturally.
Don't be discouraged if these new habits don't feel natural right away. With practice, they will!
One of my favorite examples of developing a habit is brushing your teeth. Remember when you were a kid or, even better, when your own kids were young. How tough was it to get them to brush their teeth! You had to remind them, coerce them, scold them, and finally, probably stand over them to be sure they weren't just wetting the toothbrush so you'd think they brushed their teeth! It was soooo easy for them to just go to bed (or off to school) and not give the toothbrush a thought.
Now, how does brushing your teeth fit into your life?

Do you have to set aside a planned time for it the night before? Put reminder post-it notes around the house? Mark it in your appointment book? The answer is most likely NO!
You probably have a time you brush your teeth that fits into your morning routine, and a time in your bed-time routine as well.
Do you ever think about it?
Do you ever consider, "Hmm, I may not have time to brush my teeth this morning because I'm running late" or "I really want to sleep in a few more minutes--I'll just skip the toothbrushing thing this morning to get that extra shut-eye"!
Have you often skipped brushing your teeth in the evening? Maybe you just had a rough day and want to get in bed with a good book so you skip it? Again, I'll bet your answer is a loud NO!
One day, this is how exercise/food diary/fill in the healthy-activity here will fit into your life.
It will be something you do. Part of your routine. Something you don't think about whether to do or not!
Stick with the tough time of establishing a new habit; of making the right actions part of your daily routine. Some days you'll struggle and some days you'll forget.
But one day, 30 minutes of exercise, planning your meals ahead, keeping your food diary, and all these healthy habits will just become part of your routine. And then you won't ever have to go on a diet again!
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